Category Archives: Inoa

Africa Day, 8th International Conference

Inoa and our partners Precise Consult International from Ethiopia and SME Movement from South Africa have jointly presented their views on sustainable entrepreneurship in Ethiopia and other Sub-Saharan countries at the 8th Africa Day International Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia, hosted by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. At the panel, our experience with Greening Ethiopian Manufacturing (GEM) project has been discussed.
The event is being attended by high level political delegations and entrepreneurs from numerous African countries and by the representatives of the European Commission.

Photo by Henok Assefa

Photo by Barbara Vtič Vraničar

Balkan Alps Experience

Grebaja Valley; Photo by Tanja Ivanović

We are pleased to announce that Inoa team will be co-creating Balkan Alps Experience in the cross-border area between Montenegro and Kosovo. Amazing Prokletije mountains, the highest mountain range in the Dinaric Alps, are located there, attracting mountaineers from all over the world.

Together with our clients, we will be working with local communities and tourism providers, jointly building on authentic, sustainable tourist experiences.

Prokletije Mountain Range; Photo by Tanja Ivanović

GEM – Sustainable Product Design

One year after its beginning, Greening Ethiopian Manufacturing (GEM) project is well on track, addressing topics of market access, sustainable product design and SCP certification. Altogether, 99 entrepreneurs are involved in GEM clusters.

During our last field visit, Inoa expert Tatjana Suhadolc provided advisory on sustainable product design to several enterprises from GEM clusters. Entrepreneurs were supported by new product design ideas, recommendations for quality improvement, creative usage of waste (zero-waste design) etc.

Greening Ethiopian Manufacturing (GEM)

Greening Ethiopian Manufacturing (GEM) project has been launched in Addis Ababa!

Inoa is partnering with Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) and Precise Consult International on this EU funded Switch Africa Green project. Over 100 Ethiopian micro, small and medium enterprises will be supported throughout the next 3+ years in seizing ‘green growth’ opportunities.

Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing economies in Africa.



Photos by ECCSA

Upper Egypt Local Development Program


Upper Egypt Local Development Program

We are collaborating on the Upper Egypt Local Development Program (UELDP). By launching this program, the World Bank Group is aiming at supporting economic and social development of the two lagging governorates Qena and Sohag (US$500 million will be dedicated for this purpose). Our expert is being involved in the identification of clusters and in the design of the Program Operational Manual.



Strategic Development Plan of the Orthopaedic Hospital Valdoltra

Ankaran, March 2016

Strategic Development Plan of the Orthopaedic Hospital Valdoltra 

Inoa experts are co-creating Strategic Development Plan of the Orthopaedic Hospital Valdoltra, addressing key strategies and actions of this renowned medical institution in the period 2016-2020. More than 30 employees are involved in this interactive strategy development process.

(Slovensko) Študija biotske raznovrstnosti Orjena in Sniježnice

Kotor, 15.12.2015

Študija biotske raznovrstnosti Orjena in Sniježnice

Inoa s sodelavci izvaja “Študijo biotske raznovrstnosti Orjena in Sniježnice”, kar bo med drugim podlaga za pripravo čezmejne “Strategije eko turizma in turizma opazovanja ptic Južnega Jadrana”. Gre za slikovito območje od parka Biokovo, doline Neretve, Konavelj do Boke Kotorske, znano po jadranski selitveni poti ptic. Projekt vodita Center za zaščito in preučevanje ptic Črne gore (CZIP) in Občina Baška Voda.